Quelle est la clarté de votre communication
Vous arrive-t-il d’être frustrée dans votre communication avec quelqu’un? L’autre ne communique pas, n’écoute pas, n’a pas compris. Mais
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Vous arrive-t-il d’être frustrée dans votre communication avec quelqu’un? L’autre ne communique pas, n’écoute pas, n’a pas compris. Mais
Plusieurs des femmes qui gravitent autour de moi me partagent ce qu’elles vivent à l’intérieur de leurs relations intimes, que
If you had asked me not so long ago (maybe 5-6 years ago) if misogyny, inequality or discrimination against women
I secretly hope my children think that I am this accessible, calm, warm, creative, grounded, loving presence in their life
If I had 12 months left to live, I would change almost nothing about how I currently live my life.
To me, the most important part of life is right now. This might seem so “cliché” to you, reading this,
When people are going through hard times, the mind loves telling them that they must be the only ones in
The above sentence matters so much to me because I have spent most of my life looking outside of myself
If your “positive thinking” is preventing you from seeing reality, it’s not helping you. Seeing the world through overly optimistic